Some things can be experienced only; never justly described. Most stories of entrepreneurship are exactly such tales of leaps of faith, molded as they are experienced, becoming visible to the eye and most importantly, their outcomes becoming calculable as they are being molded.
All beings with the ability to think and execute may become entrepreneurs. That is to say, all intelligent living beings, small or large, all those using their minds to generate solutions and face consequences for needs their predecessors could not address, earn their title as entrepreneurs.
Problems that follow a certain set of rules or resolvable through tried formulas don’t coerce the human mind all that much. Our goal is to develop multifaceted thinking. Entrepreneurship is the journey of operating our brain, one of the most precious mines in the body, and activating it for the benefit of ourselves and society.
Religion, language, race, sect, geography, financial means, whether you are perceived as hardworking or lazy in your school life, your difficult or perfect childhood and adolescence, your success or failure-filled business history do not stand in the way of entrepreneurship.
The important thing is to use the propelling force of curiosity, increase the volume of knowledge you attain and expand the connections you draw amongst what you learn. Your internal dialogues, the suggestions of those around you, your experiences and dreams are among the crucial elements that nurture entrepreneurship.
In that case,
Are you one of those who try to make things happen?
Are you one of those who watch how these things happen?
Are you one of those unaware of how these things happen?
Who do you view yourself to be?