
New Thinking

Do you think we need to trigger our foresight to generate new thinking or expand our capability for new thinking to elicit foresight?

Among the essentials that make each of us who we are, are the toolboxes each of us has diversified to ensure the actualization of new uncurbed ideas and foresights/predictions built on what-if’s. I believe everyone has a personal toolbox that is well-suited to the necessities of the age. Why?

The prefrontal cortex is the region of our brains where high-level cognitive functions such as scanning, sorting, evaluating, defining, generating new thoughts and decisions are integrated and put into action. While generating new ideas and strategies, we should benefit from quality outside resources that improve our emotional and physical health.

It is in our hands to increase our foresights’ actualization rate!

  • Eat as healthy and natural as possible,
  • Realize the value of awareness, take the time to expand it,
  • Dream positive and constructively,
  • Constantly update your intellectual reservoir in your field of interest,
  • Know the past and present of the relevant subject well,
  • Make sure to test the source and accuracy of all information you collect on your subject,
  • Observe everything, especially people,
  • Try to use more than a single method to achieve the same result,
    Don’t be afraid to connect the dots but also, do not forget to run simulations of what may happen when you change the placement of the dots.